Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pluses and Minuses of Blogs

The blog I viewed was John Dunlop. His blog was filled with a lot of good things. He expressed his views about different topics very well. He explain to the readers how he felt about a topic in details. His blog was well put together.

A blog have a lot of pluses about it. One good thing about a blog is that you can post your classroom assignments on it. Another thing that is good about a blog is that it gives students experience with new technology. Blogs can be used as a educational tool to teach students. Blogs are very important to have for a students.

I will use my blog to post my class website. I will also use my professional blog to obtain employment as a teacher. Blogs will be so helpful to me as a teacher. I will use blogs for so many things. I will also introduce blogs to my fellow teachers.

I believe that blogs do not have any minuses about it. I do not have anything negative to say about blogs. I love everything about blogs. I believe that blogs should be use in every classroom. Blog will be helpful to all teachers everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. You don't have anything negative to say about blogs? You are very easy to please Christie! lol
